UCAT Postdoctoral Position Openings        (posted on September 15, 2010)

Institution: University Consortium of ALMA-Taiwan

The University Consortium of ALMA-Taiwan (UCAT) has four immediate openings for postdoctoral positions. The postdoc appointments will initially be for two years, with possible extension for additional years based on satisfactory performance.

Taiwan has joined the ALMA project through collaborations with Japan and North America. To promote ALMA research in universities, UCAT was formed by five leading Universities in radio astronomy in Taiwan - National Central University, National Cheng Kung University, National Taiwan Normal University, National Tsing Hua University, and Tamkang University. Areas of research interests of the UCAT faculty include Solar Physics, Solar System, Star Formation, Astrochemistry, Active Galaxies, Galaxy Evolution, and Cosmology. More information on each topic can be found at our home page (

Scientists with radio interferometry background are preferred; however, all candidates with a PhD in any area of astronomy interested to conduct research using ALMA are encouraged to apply. UCAT postdoctoral fellows are expected to conduct their research at one of the five UCAT universities. Being in a Taiwanese research institute, UCAT postdoctoral fellows have the privilege to apply for Taiwan's share of observing time for CFHT, SMA, and the Arizona 12-m and 10-m radio telescopes.

Applicants should submit the following documents to tuCASA@ntnu.edu.tw by 2010 December 01 for full consideration:

  1. a curriculum vitae
  2. a brief summary of past research experience
  3. a future research plan

Applicants are also requested to arrange three letters of recommendation to be sent to: Prof. Yi-Jehng Kuan, Chair, Department of Earth Sciences National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei 11677, Taiwan. Email: tuCASA@ntnu.edu.tw